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How to fix the Future porn game review

by sihil

ADULT GAME REVIEW: How to Fix The Future by Mr.Moonmi

How to Fix the Future

by mr.moonmi

A story driven sci-fi adventure novel. Discover the secrets of time itself. Meet splendid women as you make way through your circumstances.

Review Overview:

I've already been a fan of most of the games I’ve reviewed thus far. But this is probably the first game I’m reviewing that I’ve never played. How to fix your future is an adult game that is certainly ambitious both in its scope and its execution. It does a few things really well and some other things averagely. So do the gains in some areas offset the losses in others to make it a great game? Or is it simply good? Let’s find out.

This game is available to play for free on our website. If you like it support the developer by tossing him a token :)

The premise:

The game starts out as most adult games do. You are a young guy with no prospects in his life who is working in a shoe store. He has a mom who doesn’t seem to be romance-able (blasphemy, I know.) Suddenly everyone gets a cd-disk in the year 2021 which is weird, I mean why not give a floppy disk to everyone at that point or send a pigeon with a message bound to its leg. But I suggest giving the writer benefit of the doubt here. Anyway, the player seemingly finishes the game on this cd-disk first among millions of people, making him the “chosen one” and two agents from the future pick him up to take him in the future, in 2121 to be precise. We’re introduced to a good deal of world-building and exposition after that and this is where the game actually begins.

Brilliant marketing strategy

The visuals/presentation:

Simply put, this game is hands down one of the best ones when it comes to presentation, everything from the loading screen to the renders within the game has a lot of care put into them and it pays off. The animations are a little lower quality than renders but that’s because of how good the renders are not the other way around. The CGs themselves are wonderfully done and there is a good deal of choices in them. Keep in mind that this isn’t designed to be a porn game primarily but a visual novel with porn in it. And in this department, it does an excellent job. The character models range from great to amazing and there’s a good deal of variety, one of the characters has a penis too if that’s something you need to know before getting in. Okay enough of me gushing about this game’s visuals over and over again. Let’s move on to the other areas.

The music:

As ever, this section of the review is the shortest. I like it. The tracks playing in the background generally match the tone and they don’t stand out too much. Pretty much exactly what you want from a background track. So overall, this section is a point in favor of this game.

The writing:

This is where I have most of the problems with the game. Let’s go over every aspect one by one.

First of all, the dialog is not bad. But it’s not great either. Humor, for me at least, falls kind of flat. For instance, this old lady calls the Flash from DC, floosh which is intended as a joke. Overall, the humor is rather juvenile which in itself is not a bad thing but since the tone of this game seems to be serious so far it doesn’t work as well. That being said, it’s not that bad. And overall, I do like that exposition

The MC put all his one month’s salary in bitcoin.

The character writing is mostly good, except for one character who happens to be the main character. Well, let’s start by saying he’s bit of a fucking idiot. The first scene he’s in, we see him losing all of his monthly salary in a crypto coin freefall. Then he gets a pair of sneakers stolen by a news reporter who just happens to appear in the TV few hours later. Then he’s moping about in front of his mom about how he has no hope for his future. For someone who gets to go to the future, he seems to have next to no questions about the technology advancements, the culture, the religion, etc of the future, he doesn’t seem to have a ton of innate curiosity at all. As you can see, he does not paing a great first impression. But he does get better as we get to choose how we define his personality. Even then, he seems to be a little slow to catch on with the subtle cues. Most importantly, thus far, he’s not the driving force behind the plot. He’s been really reactive and not proactive. Now part of it is how much of a difficult situation he’s in but I still think he should start making decisions.

The side characters and potential love interests are all intriguing thus far. Octavia seems to be the main focus when it comes to love interests mostly because she’s the one who’s calling all the shots but the all of the other female characters have their own flairs. Cathy thus far is the one that has gotten the most amount of attention but there are other characters as well. We’ve got an edgy tomboy in Chloe and Olga also could turn out to be a buff tomboy love interest.  

I don’t want to say too much about the plot simply because there isn’t a lot of info given thus far. But it shows potential. Sure, games with time travel will inevitably have plot holes and inconsistencies. This game does have its share of those as well but I appreciate the author trying something new. There are some concerns with the mechanics of how the chosen trope will translate in sci-fi but overall, I’m intrigued. One nitpick I need to do is that there are technically 3 chosen ones and from what I can tell there can potentially be even more of them. So if the chosen one is not, you know, just one person why not call it literally anything else?

Now we reach the least good part of this game. The world-building. Just like the plot, we don’t know everything about this section but unlike the plot, we know enough. There’s a good deal of sci-fi mumbo-jumbo that I don’t mind but the biggest problem is that apparently a corporation, led by one man, takes over a good chunk of the US government and destroyed the world through its greed. I just don’t buy that. There’s no way that could happen naturally. Look at it this way, even in our reality, one thing that both sides of the political spectrum in America agree on is that they really don’t like big corporations.  So you’re telling me that in 25 or so years in the future, not only will one corporation take over America, led by one person by the way but there will be no successful push back for that from within or any outside country? There’s also the problem with having 5 mega-cities, the earth’s population getting reduced to a measly 5 million but they’re not as big of an issue since the writer doesn’t go into detail as to how it happened exactly.

One thing that is kind of a big issue is that despite a corporation destroying this world, do you know what the current ruling entity is? A corporation. Sure, there is the talk of a phoenix rising from the ashes and so forth but why call itself a corporation? Why not a democratic republic? Or literally anything else? Octavia complains that no other human society outside earth (in this world, the Mars and moon have been colonized) would talk to them but why would they trust a corporation?

Now, given how authoritarian Octavia is, it doesn’t have to be truly democratic, after the democratic republic of North Korea isn’t.

I know this section feels critical but that’s only the case because this game is a serious game with porn in it. This means it doesn’t have the same constraint a porn game has, like having a certain number of CGs in every update. This should result in better writing and don’t get me wrong, this game has good writing, it’s just not great.


Despite my gripes in the last section, how to fix the future is a solid game that should only get better as more updates come out. Answering the question I posted in the beginning, it is still a good game and I do still recommend it though depending on how this game progresses, I might need to rewrite this review.


Writing: 65/100

Music: 80/100

Visuals: 100/100

Overall, this game sits at a respectable 75/100



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