Spicygaming AMP

December Update: Sexy Sketches!

by FlexibleMedia


First up is the new Sketching Minigame; Jack's found his old sketchbook, and as inspiration strikes (and he gets to know the girls better), he'll start making drawings off them. The beta testers in Discord really seemed to like them; hopefully all of you will as well :) Five of the girls get their sketch this month, we're working on sketches for the rest of them as we speak.

Voice Overs

Or at least moan-overs, if that's a thing. We've brought in a full cast of adult voice actors, and they've delivered 800+ new voice clips for the sex scenes of the game. All the girls now have optional voice over content for the sex scenes, and all the old scenes have been refitted to support it. Hopefully you'll enjoy it as much as the voice actresses appeared to have done.

Dynamic cameras

We also built some new tools for spicing up the cutscenes, and we've gone through and added dynamic camera-work to every sex-scene in the game.

New Erotic Content

This month's new erotic is all about Andrea; we've gotten a hot new scene with her, as well as a massive new replayable sequence for her. Poor Chastitty, who does scripting and puppeteering, swears it's the biggest scene in the game so far... we tend to believe her.

Winter Sale

We're going to be participating in the Winter Sale, at 25% off (our biggest discount so far). It's a great time to get the game if you haven't, or to gift it to a friend if you already have it.

Main Story

And finally, the main story of the Island continues. We get a little bit closer to discovering what's happened to Rob, and we meet a sexy new girl that may have some clues to where he's disappeared off to.

That's a lot of changes, and we'd love to hear your thoughts on them in the comments!

And with that... merry xmas. Hope you all have an amazing holiday, and we'll see you all in January!


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