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Yaradiel's crown news!

by MrZGames

Hey friends

I hope you are having a wonderful Day

I've been working like crazy lately, and I keep forgetting to show what I'm working on!

So today I wanna show and talk about Yaradiel ‘s crown!

But first, I ll be updating Kinky fight club 2 tomorrow to fix the latest reported bugs. 

Now onto Yaradiel's crown

During your play time on the isle, there are some names that you will find often:


The ancient goddess of love, lust and magic. Revered long ago, the whole Arkadia island was a place where her followers could go to have peace and flee from wars. While Yaradiel is not present in person in the game, everything on the island is in a way related to her. 

[Yaradiel] (I would totally simp for her)

Faerwen, the witch

As her name says, she is a witch. She traveled through the island and left notes on everything she found interesting. Her current whereabouts are unknown. Some people in the island met her, and all of them agree on one thing: she is a very powerful witch, even outside the island.

There doesn't seem to be any pictures of Faerwen... Maybe someone on the island took one photo with her?


Also known as “queen Talara” ( she self appointed that role) is our resident evil ruler on the island. You will meet her soon! 

She is both powerful and cunning and managed to become so powerful that nobody dares to challenge her!

[Queen Talara]

While Talara is very powerful, she can't do everything on the island, and for many tasks she employs her personal army: The onyx servants.

They do not look or behave like an army, however they are extremely loyal to her. 

(They are essentially her militarized fan group)

[Riya fighting the Onyx servants]

Here are some screenies of all the progress done in this last month!

[And Onyx hound is preparing a power attack!]

[Zantlaha, the golden city]

[Another view of Zantlaha, but before I implemented some changes in lighting ]

I will be back with more news soon!

Important: during September I will make some changes to the tiers, including deleting the tier 1. Because of transaction costs and all that stuff, I only get 0.11 centro of that, which means 90% of it is just gone… that doesn't make sense to me to keep it up.

Don't forget to vote on the poll for kinky fight club 2 keys!


Read the full post by MrZGames on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/yaradiels-crown-111014213


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