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Project announcement: Yaradiel's crown!

by MrZGames

Hey friends!

I hope you are having a wonderful day!

Today I wanna reveal the new project: “Yaradiel’s Crown”!

This is the project I've been working on lately (codename castle) and now I wanna tell you about it!

What is Yaradiel’s Crown?

It is an RPG focused on combat, sex and exploration!

The game is somewhat inspired by some of the adult games I enjoyed last year, final fantasy and persona! 

Of course the project is still on a 0.1 pre-alpha version, I still have a lot of systems to make, since RPGs use a lot of systems that other projects don't (for example, dialogue system, shops, quests, etc)

So far I’m making a lot of progress. I would say that 20% of the core features are already in place, which doesn’t sound like much, but I haven’t been working on it for too long either. I expect to have a somewhat decent first demo for mid september. 

Story wise, this game acts as a prequel to Deviance, happening in the same place 11 years before. (And actually being part of the reason why the events of Deviance end up happening).

The player will go to Arkadia Island, in search of “Yaradiel’s crown”, an ancient artifact rumored to be somewhere in the ruins within the isle. However, upon landing on the island, things quickly start going off the rails, culminating in a series of events where the player ends up discovering that they can even learn magic if they wanted, and that there is an evil witch in control of the whole island…

Let me show you some of the cool stuff that will be coming in the next months:

[First concept for combat 1 vs 1]

[Currently, menus implemented, added UI, ignore the background and postures, camera position can be changed at any time!]

Features of Yaradiel’s crown:

  • Active time based combat, with the option to go full real time!

  • Exploration mode

  • Group combat, boss fights, traps, sexfights, and all the fun stuff!

  • All our classic sex features and the over 200 sex positions we already have!

  • Level up to level 50, and earn both combat and ero talents to create your own character build!

  • Different weapons and spells to use.

  • Great variety of Status effects (some linked to fetishes or fantasies)

  • Fetish system that can help you level up faster based on your selected fetish!

  • Enemies can capture you after defeating you, and you will have to escape!

  • Meet other characters on the isle, become friends, companions or enemies!

  • Your choices will shape the destiny of the Island and their inhabitants!

  • And much more!

All in all, this game picks the things that worked the best from both Solas City Heroes and Kinky Fight Club 2, plus the “simple” parts of going with an 3D explorable world. This is a midpoint between what I've been doing, and basically doing a soulslike-ish game on Unity. Some of you may be a bit turned off by the “active time based combat” (or may not even know what it is), but trust me, it will be much lighter than Kinky fight club 2, and more action packed!

(While it also provides a lot of opportunities for sexy outcomes!)

[List of modules I want to implement during the develoment of the game]

Some of the things you will see in the screenshots below may look cool, but aren’t completely functional, however these will be developed over time. I plan to add a few more “new” (as in new to my games) fetishes and content over the next months, for now it is just planned and I’m open to the idea. An example of this could be the “chastity” mechanic, where some specific enemies can put a spell on you that won’t let you cum until you either defeat them, or plead/submit to them! (As always all these niche-fetish stuff is optional)

Meet Riya, our resident player character that will be used for all promo images. She will definitely have an interesting journey on the island…

[That are the female character starting clothes, and she's just chilling in the hub]

I also want to take this opportunity to make a small poll.

As I progress in gamedev I learn more new stuff, and I get new tools to work with. One of the things that I realized (that some other devs do as well) is that in order to improve the game, a good idea is to collect player data. So I wanted to ask you if you would be interested in me adding the option for players to share their data anonymously (so basically just numbers of what talents and abilities are used, which aren’t, etc) so I can improve the game.

How does data sharing work? I don’t know yet. But if I were to do it, I would integrate unity analytics, so I can use it to track underperforming or boring abilities and talents to make them better, so the game is better balanced. 

That’s most of what I had for today friends,

I’m a bit behind in Kinky Fight Club 2, honestly I got too hyped and wanted to finish a feature before returning to Kinky Fight Club 2 and now I’m a bit late, but expect the update this month for around the 17th, I’m working on fixing issues and remaking the whole story mode, which is taking some work…

Anyway, that’s all

Have a great week friends!


Read the full post by MrZGames on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/project-crown-107733742


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