Spicygaming AMP

Development update #132 + new preview

by mrmoonmi

Hello, everyone.

This week was very productive. I finally finished replacing almost all the music tracks for the current build. I still have to add music for the new update and sort out some legal issues with some tracks. But the biggest part is finally finished. This was a tough and exhausting task. I really feel relieved. I have replaced 87 tracks! It took me about two months, maybe more. Meaning I had to listen to dozens of tracks from different sources to find just one, good enough to replace each of them. My brain was literally boiling (it's also very hot here ring now). Now I won't be listening to any music for at least a few months, lol.

As for the other side of things, I finished all art for another extra lewd scene, worked on code for a new function in the statistics screen and did postwork for a big junk of new static renders. I want to finish all renders that require manual work tomorrow. I do this separately from postwork coz I combine them and need to work with a brush on each of them. And then I'll finish all postwork that remains. I still have a few unfinished animations, but editing them won't take long. I also have two main scenes left to pose and render and maybe one extra animation. They aren't too big and shouldn't take long to pose and render. And after that, all the art will be finished. But I still have some work code-wise. I'll do my best to complete as many tasks as possible next week, but it's unlikely that I finish all of them in just one week.

This month will be the release month, that's for sure. I just need to push it a little more. Right now I'd say it's 85% done. One-two weeks and we start beta-testing. That's when I'll announce release dates. I don't expect any serious issues during beta-testing, but there is that one thing I pointed out in my previous dev updates about possible save issues that I couldn't fix. I'll talk more about this in the release post later.

If you are curious about the numbers, we are currently somewhere near 830 renders & 45 animations. That's a rough numbers and they can change both ways on a release coz some animations will be combined during editing, statics may be added\removed etc.

I'll wrap it up here, just want to say that I'm working hard as always. And thank you for being so patient and supportive. I had like 40 hours of power this week and it also affects my productivity even with extra power supplies I have. But we are getting there!

Have a nice week and take care.

Read the full post by mr.moonmi on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/development-132-107200711


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