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Monthly update. Saboteur v 0.1.1 released.

by StarLord Games

Hello there!

I present to your attention a small update to the Saboteur. It corrects most of the errors found at the first stage of testing (thanks to everyone who participated), as well as expanded the first location and added more game content.

DOWNLOAD SABOTEUR v0.1.1.2024 [MEGA, *.ZIP, 1.24Gb]

DOWNLOAD SABOTEUR v0.1.1.2024 [GDRIVE, *.ZIP, 1.24Gb]

What's fixed:

- Lack of collisions in the ventilation modules of the detention block, which caused the character to fall into the void.

- The technical level elevator shaft has been rebuilt. Now you can't get stuck there.

- Added elevator call console. Now the elevator cannot leave without you.

- Rebuilt droid routes in the technical tunnel. Now the droid will not leak through the elevator and attack suddenly.

- Less obvious, but still existing, errors and bugs have also been fixed.

What's added:

- The ability to peek around the corner and look around without being seen by security. You can look out from almost any convenient corner.

- Scanning. The scanner hidden in the secret master key of Tantra is low-powered, but nevertheless capable of showing what useful or dangerous is nearby.

- Lootboxes. In each of them you can find some useful (or not so useful) item. Using these items is not yet possible, but this feature will appear in the coming updates.

- Knocking out opponents. Crouching and quietly creeping up to the Imperial who is interfering with you, you can knock him out.

- User interface. Added a summary window for character parameters, inventory and current tasks. The next updates will also include a location map and a game settings window.

- Sex scenes, of course :) So far they are represented only by a mission failure scene, demonstrating what the Imperials will do to you if they catch you. In the coming updates there will be more such scenes, and various sex activities will also appear in the location itself. In particular, you will be able to secretly watch the crew members having fun in the secluded corners of the Destroyer.

That's all for today. I hope you remember that this is still a very crude version of the game, the main purpose of which is to test the functioning of the game mechanics. Therefore, I ask you to treat all possible bugs with understanding, and even better, report them to my discord.

So, I hope you have a nice time. And may the Force be with You!

Read the full post by StarLord Games on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/monthly-update-v-106518670


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