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Magical Monstergirls Academy v10 patch notes

by wataponno

Patch coming later this week, here are the path notes.

  • Added a new minigame : Lewdemons Survivor. While technically endless, the endpoint is at wave 69 for those who really want to try and farm it.

  • Added 3 monstergirls: Jerboha, Scorpion, Spear ice elf

  • Added 1 monstergirl to the roster for v11: The big milf dommy ice elf

  • Added a lot of quest indicators for the main quest. You can now safely skip all the text and still know what to do (for the main quest only)

  • Added Iryl's boss fight

  • Added the solution to the ice seal. This concludes the main quest and the storyline of Magical Monstergirls Academy

  • Added a WIP CG in the main quest sequence for the Ice seal (you won't miss it even if you competed v9)

  • Fixed a bug with monstergirls movement

  • Added the legit way to acquire all items (via Lewdemons Survivor)

  • Added the legit way to acquire the charm spell (via Lewdemons Survivor)

  • Added a short transformation CG to Cait's very first dialogue.

And with that' I'll see you later for the update :)

Read the full post by Wataponno on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/magical-academy-103798229


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