Spicygaming AMP

Development update #124

by mrmoonmi

Hey everyone.

One day late, sorry. Had some issues with my PC last week. Unfortunately, after one of the power outages a few weeks ago one of my ram sticks stopped working. I didn't notice the problem right away. Had to order a new kit. And damn, it's expensive. Plus some issues with the motherboard as well... I've updated my build not so long ago and haven't planned on doing it again so soon, obviously. Last year my previous build worked fine even after several power outages per day, every day. The new one seems weaker I guess. Looks like I'll have to purchase an uninterruptible power supply to keep my build safe. Especially considering the massive and unavoidable power issues coming this fall and winter. Probably even summer... They are very expensive, but I guess I have no choice if I don't want to brick my new set of ram, motherboard, ssds,hdds, or, heaven forbid, even GPU. I already had some worrying signs when it took more than usual to boot my PC or when my GPU didn't initialize after the boot. Anyway, now the new ram kit works fine and let's get to the dev update itself.

Last week I worked on postwork, animation editing and compiling. I guess I did about 10 of them + some statics. Worked on writing and coding, and a bit of posing as well. As I mentioned in a previous dev update, I have about 6 scenes left to do. +postwork, code and dialogues for some of them. Rough estimation, is one month of work. Plus picking new music and replacing the old one. That's a tricky part even if it sounds easy. I know you all eagerly waiting and I'll make it worth the wait. I still have a lot to do. But I work hard every day so I hope it won't take too long.

Approximate numbers are: 525 renders, and 40 animations. That's a rough numbers. 

I'll try to finish all postwork and animations for rendered art this week and finish coding scenes with it. That's my priority. Then back to posing next scenes.

And you can expect a poll for in-game special renders in the next few days. As usual, I'll pick a few renders from special renders for patrons, and create some new ones. So stay tuned.

Thank you for your support, have a nice week and take care.


Read the full post by mr.moonmi on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/development-124-103726446


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