Spicygaming AMP

Development update #119

by mrmoonmi

I planned to post this yesterday right after bunnies special renders, but was very tired so I am posting it today.

Hope you had or having a great easter weekend if you celebrate it. Not sure if it's over or still ongoing in your countries.

Another lewd scene is finished and I finally got back to work on the main scenes this week. Did a bit of everything. Posing, writing, coding. Made good progress on each side. Tho posing them takes more time as there are a lot of characters in it. Even if it's some subtle character movements, expressions, angle changes. I have to keep in mind how their conversation changes and adjust props and environment to it, keep the background in mind and change it from time to time, adjust lighting etc. In short, a lot of things have to be kept in mind and adjusted with each render. Not to mention VRAM shortages sometimes. But we're moving forward. At the fastest pace possible. As for the numbers, we're somewhere near 390 renders and 29 animations.

This update is basically one big scene. But I'm still not sure how I want it to be played. Now when about 50% of it is done I'm leaning towards a more linear approach with light free-roam events. Kind of how it was done with the gym event. Will see. In any case, I'm sure you will love it. As for the approximate release dates, still hard to tell. But I hope I'll be able to finish it next month. The biggest lewd scenes are finished, main scene is about 50% done. But I still have a lot of smaller but not less important scenes left. And I have yet to spend a lot of time replacing all my music. I'm delaying this moment as long as I can coz I'm sure the music will be much worse and it just saddens me:(

Anyway, plans for next week are posing, writing, coding. I might finally spare some time on postwork as all my renders are raw. As well as animations. For now, it's only hundreds of uncooked rendered frames.

As always, guys. Thank you for your support. Have a nice week and take care.


P.S. Please join my Discord, Twitter, and follow my Subscribestar page (Free Tier). Just in case. Thanks.

Read the full post by mr.moonmi on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/development-119-101476322


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