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Early Access Date Announced!

by FlexibleMedia

Hey everyone, big news alert!

Sinners Landing is hitting Early Access on Thursday, March 21st!

This launch marks a major milestone for us, being the official Early Access debut of our second franchise. The Early Access launch of Paradise Lust 2 went extremely well, and we're hoping that this can be at least half as successful. If we pull it off, it'll be a game-changer for our studio, validating all the sweat and tears we've poured into this project.

To gear up for the big day, we've been grinding away on loads of new content:

  • Dawn and Morwenna have a big new storyline with sex scene
  • We have a bunch of new work on the random dungeons
  • We've added a new "little red book" interface for managing in-game info
  • We're adding a new shop interface for all your loot-trading needs with Annya
  • ...and all kinds of other neat surprises.

Plus, we're gearing up to unleash a bunch of new content shortly after our Early Access launch. The goal? To show everyone just how fast we work when it comes to game development. We want folks jumping into Early Access, especially those who might not know the game as well as our loyal patrons, to see that Sinners Landing is gonna be regularly juiced up with fresh updates, just like Paradise Lust.

It's gonna be a wild ride, and we're hyped to see how it all pans out come launch day.

Speaking of which, we've got a couple of marketing goals we'd love your help with:

First off, we'd LOVE to go into Early Access with more than 20,000 wishlists. We're SOOOO close, currently sitting at about 19,700. If we could crack 20K before launch day, that'd be massive. How can you lend a hand? Spread the word on Discord, toss us some love on Reddit (likes, comments, maybe even your own posts), if you are on some other forums (you know the ones we mean!), dropping a comment about how we're launching into EA soon would be greatly appreciated. And, of course,  if you haven't wishlisted us yet, now's the time. It's free and it helps boost our visibility on Steam.

Secondly, we're counting on you to help us out with some positive reviews. We know you can't review us just yet since we're not live in Early Access, but come launch day, even a quick two or three-sentence review with a thumbs up would mean the world to us. Sadly, if you've been playing with Patreon Steam keys, those won't count for reviews. But for those snagging an Early Access version, even a brief thumbs-up review will make a world of difference in our first week.

Finally, huge thanks to all of you for your incredible support! Your backing so far has meant everything to us, whether it's helping us with testing in the discord, giving feedback on the Patreon, wish-listing the game, spreading the word, or just simply contributing and lurking. We're all pretty stoked for the journey ahead and can't wait to keep refining Sinners Landing and continuing to build Paradise Lust with your help!

Read the full post by Flexible Media on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/early-access-99029778


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