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Launching Your Game on Steam: 10 Essential Steps for Success

by Spice

The Ultimate Guide to Launching Your Game on Steam

One of the main goals of any game developer is to have their games published on Steam.

By being present in the biggest gaming market and achieving high sales on Steam, developers can not only generate significant revenue but also gain exposure and visibility within the gaming community. 

This increased visibility can lead to more opportunities for collaborations, partnerships, and recognition within the industry. Furthermore, the revenue generated from successful adult games can be reinvested into future game development, allowing developers to create more ambitious and polished games in the future. The potential benefits of achieving high sales on Steam go beyond just financial rewards, making it a goal worth striving for.

However, there are some big challenges when it comes to publishing your *adult game on Steam

*An "adult game" refers to a video game that contains explicit sexual content or themes that are intended for mature audiences. These games may include nudity, sexual acts, or explicit language. It is important to note that adult games are distinct from games that are rated for mature audiences due to violent or graphic content.

THIS ARTICLE WAS SPONSORED BY TERRA/SOL Games Creators of Sci-fi adult game Adventures of Rosalind Franklin

Below sales statistics provided by Droosk

So how do you ensure your game gets accepted on Steam and make a ton of sales?

To answer that question, I sought the assistance of a game developer Droosk, the creator of the popular adult game Between Two Worlds. Droosk has achieved significant success on Steam and has helped many other developers achieve the same goal. After talking with him and getting a ton of useful insight I came to the conclusion that there are two main tasks I should focus on

Ensuring your game doesn't get rejected or even banned on Steam

You (and possibly your team) have put in a ton of effort, programming day and night, creating those flawless scenes, crafting an awesome adult game, only to have Steam reject it.

Making you abandon your project and leaving you devastated. A situation I've witnessed far too frequently over the past few years. Most of the time, the developer has no idea why their adult game was rejected as well. A tragedy, but luckily easily avoidable.


Getting good sales numbers on Steam

Some adult games make a killing on Steam, and yet some otherwise quality games get low sales and no exposure. It is hard enough that you have thousands of adult games you need to compete with; you also have a million mainstream games as well. Luckily, there are some steps you can take that will ensure you are one step ahead of the competition. 

This is the way.

Let's Prep for Success: The 10 Must-Dos Before Steam Game Launch!

1. Descriptive information on your Steam page

Despite the fact that this is fairly obvious, many developers still get it wrong. An engaging and informative description is crucial for attracting potential players to your game. It serves as the first point of contact between your game and the audience and can make or break their decision to click and learn more about your game. 

A well-crafted description helps to create excitement and anticipation, compelling potential players to take a closer look. Additionally, it provides key information about the unique features and gameplay mechanics of your game, giving players a better understanding of what they can expect. By investing time and effort into creating an engaging and informative description, developers can significantly increase their chances of attracting a larger audience and, ultimately, improving their game's sales and success.

One way to keep the description simple yet engaging is to focus on highlighting the unique features and gameplay mechanics that set your game apart from others. Avoid excessive details and technical jargon that may overwhelm potential players. Instead, use concise and attention-grabbing headlines to pique their curiosity.

Additionally, consider using animated images to showcase the visual appeal and dynamic aspects of your game. These visual elements can be more captivating and memorable than static images. Lastly, make sure to proofread and edit your description to ensure it is free from grammatical errors and easy to read. By following these tips, developers can create descriptions that are both simple and compelling, effectively enticing potential players to explore their game further.

2. High-quality visuals and trailers

When it comes to advertising your adult game, visuals and trailers play a crucial role. These materials serve as powerful tools to attract new players, inform potential buyers about the game's features, and generate excitement among existing fans. It is important to consider the target audience of your game and tailor the visuals and trailers to appeal to them specifically.

Enlist the assistance of your friends or the adult gaming community to help you pick the best ones. Render them at the highest resolution you can. Have at least 10 of them.

Trailers and in-game videos are very important. Trailers are short, 1-2 minute videos that should showcase the game as best as they can. They need to have a great selection of scenes, animations, and even music. Your best bet is to create a couple of them. It is crucial to create a SFW (safe for work) version of your trailers. This version allows you to reach a wider audience and distribute your trailers on social media platforms and major gaming platforms that may have restrictions on explicit content. By having a SFW version available, you can effectively promote your game to a larger audience without violating any platform guidelines.

Important to note. Steam requires trailers to include gameplay footage any "artistic" trailers need to be marked as such.

Below: Example of a game trailer


In-game videos are a bit different from trailers, as they showcase the game in its raw, unedited state. Try picking a few interesting scenes (best with some animations) that represent the game as it actually is.

Below: Example of a in-game video


Creating high-quality visuals and trailers requires attention to detail and the use of professional tools. Consider using professional video editing software, such as Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro, to ensure your trailers have polished animations and crisp visuals. 

Additionally, seek feedback from the adult gaming community or online forums dedicated to game development to gather valuable insights and suggestions for improvement. Online tutorials and guides on video editing techniques can also be immensely helpful in enhancing the overall quality of your advertising materials.

If you need help with videos, trailers, in-game footage, or image selection, don't hesitate to reach out. We have vast experience in that field and will be glad to help for a small fee.

3. High-quality capsules and banners

It is very similar to the previous topic, but so important that I will address it separately.

Put effort into designing visually appealing capsules for your Steam page, eye-catching banners for platforms like Patreon and Spicygaming, and attractive headers for social media. These elements serve as important marketing tools for your game and can significantly impact your sales. If you lack design skills, consider hiring a professional graphic designer to help you create high-quality capsules and banners.

Below: the shift in statistics when a game updated their poor-quality capsules with HQ ones.

Take your time, create good capsules for Steam, good banners for Patreon and Spicygaming, and good headers for social media. It is important! If you have no clue how to do it, get professional help. Yes, we can help.

Below: an example banner

4. Following content rules and restrictions (ignoring this can get you banned!)

This is the most critical one because breaking the rules could result in a dismissal.

Ensure that your game adheres to the content rules and restrictions set by Steam. Violating these rules can lead to rejection or even a straight-out ban. Pay particular attention to sensitive topics such as the use of terms like "high school" or "school" (your game needs to take place at a college or university if it is taking place inside a "school"). 

Family "relationships" can get problematic very quickly. Using the landlady and sexy roommates is a much safer bet. Ensuring all of them are of legal age is a must, both in terms of looks and text. Using underage characters will get you banned. Everywhere, including SpicyGaming!

Below: Spicygaming terms

If you're uncertain about the acceptability of certain content, consult the developer community or play it safe by removing potentially problematic elements.

5. Using appropriate tags and search terms

When selecting tags for your game, consider the genre, gameplay mechanics, art style, and target audience. For example, if your game is a fantasy RPG with turn-based combat and pixel art, appropriate tags may include "fantasy," "RPG," "turn-based," and "pixel art." Additionally, researching similar games and analyzing their tags can provide insights into which tags are commonly used and effective for reaching the right audience.

Search terms are the keywords that users type into search bars to find specific types of games. Choosing the right search terms for your game is crucial for its discoverability. Consider what potential players might be searching for when looking for a game like yours. 

For example, if your game is a visual novel with adult content, relevant search terms could include "visual novel," "adult game," "erotic," "nudity," and "mature content." By using accurate and relevant search terms, you increase the likelihood of your game being discovered by users who are actively searching for games like yours.

6. Pricing considerations

Setting prices in the middle of the spectrum can help avoid overcharging or undercharging for your game. If prices are set too high, potential buyers may be deterred by the cost and choose not to make a purchase. This can result in decreased sales and lower revenue. 

On the other hand, setting prices too low may undervalue the product and lead to missed opportunities for generating higher revenue. By setting prices in the middle of the spectrum, you can strike a balance between attracting buyers and maximizing revenue.

Country-specific pricing can also help you make more sales. By adjusting prices to match the purchasing power of different countries, you can make your game more affordable and appealing to potential buyers in those regions. This can lead to increased sales, as buyers are more likely to make a purchase when the price aligns with their budget and the perceived value of the product.

Below: SteamDB price comparison

To help you set the right price, you can use SteamDB. SteamDB provides valuable data and insights on game prices, sales trends, and player engagement. 

By analyzing this information, you can gain a better understanding of market dynamics and make informed decisions on pricing your game. SteamDB also offers tools to compare your game to similar titles and assess its value proposition, further aiding in the pricing strategy.

7. Building a Steam Wishlist

Having a high number of wishlists is crucial for game ranking on Steam. Wishlists are an important signal to the Steam algorithm that there is significant interest in a game. Games with more wishlists are more likely to be featured on the Steam homepage, search results, and recommendation pages. Additionally, wishlists are a strong indicator of potential sales, as many users who wishlist a game are likely to purchase it when it becomes available.

There are several effective communication strategies that can help in building wishlists for your game. One strategy is to regularly update your supporters and fans through developer logs, announcements, and communication on platforms like Discord, Patreon, Spicygaming, and social media. This can include sharing development progress, behind-the-scenes insights, and exclusive content to keep your audience engaged and excited about your game. Additionally, you can incentivize wishlist additions by offering special rewards or discounts to those who wishlist or pre-purchase your game.

Building wishlists for your game offers several benefits beyond just improving game rankings. Firstly, wishlists provide valuable feedback and insights from your audience. By engaging with your supporters and fans, you can gather feedback on your game's features, mechanics, and overall appeal, allowing you to make necessary improvements before launch. 

Additionally, wishlists help create a sense of anticipation and buzz around your game, generating excitement and word-of-mouth marketing. Lastly, wishlists can serve as a valuable marketing tool, as you can leverage the number of wishlists to attract potential publishers, investors, or media coverage, showcasing the potential success and interest in your game.

8. Including Steam links in your game builds before launch

Using your game to promote your Steam page is a free but very effective way to get more wishlists and later sales. A lot of your fans will wishlist the games if they see the link to Steam. Some might find the game on a pirate site and decide to buy it on Steam or wishlist it there.

When including Steam links in your game builds, it is important to place the link in a prominent location that is easily accessible to players. This could be on the game's main menu, in the options menu, or on the game-over screen. Additionally, it is recommended to use a clickable button or hyperlink format for the link to ensure that players can easily navigate to your Steam page.

You can also add additional important links, such as those to your website or Discord channel. Be aware, however, that Patreon and other websites where your game is sold cannot be linked to in-game if your game is sold on Steam.

Finally, including Steam links in your game builds can help establish credibility and trust with potential players, as it shows that your game has been vetted and approved by the Steam platform.

9. Importance of Steam achievements. They affect sales!

Steam achievements are optional, yet they are very important. When it comes to big platforms with their own fancy algorithms, all of them will reward users that play by their book and use the system as intended with all of the functions that are available. Steam is no different. They have achievements; they are proud of them, and they reward games for using them.

Not having achievements in the game can also impact sales because achievements provide additional motivation for players to continue playing and engaging with the game. When players have goals to work towards, such as unlocking achievements, they are more likely to spend more time playing the game and recommending it to others. Additionally, achievements can serve as a form of social proof, showing potential buyers that the game is worth playing and has a dedicated community of players.

Below: My Steam achievement list

Games with well-designed and engaging achievements are more likely to be featured and recommended to users, leading to higher sales and player engagement. 

Additionally, achievements can serve as a form of marketing for the game, as players who unlock achievements may share their accomplishments on social media or with friends, generating further interest and awareness. Finally, including achievements can also provide valuable feedback for developers, as they can track which achievements are being unlocked and use this information to improve and refine the game.


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10. Pre-launch marketing strategies

Effective pre-launch marketing strategies are crucial for the success of a game. By implementing the right marketing tactics, you can increase the visibility of your game and generate anticipation among potential players. This buzz and excitement can lead to higher sales once the game is released. Additionally, well-executed marketing can help your game stand out from the crowd and differentiate it from competitors, increasing the chances of success in a saturated market.

Hype = wishlists; Wishlists = Ranking; Ranking = Sales.

Advertising on the right channels is crucial here, first off, so you don't spend a ton of money and time, but more importantly, the advertising actually translates into sales down the line.

For example, many game developers have successfully utilized Reddit for pre-launch marketing. By sharing information, images, and free versions of their games on relevant subreddits, they were able to create a buzz among the gaming community and generate interest in their upcoming releases. Similarly, Discord channels dedicated to adult gaming have proven to be effective in reaching a targeted audience and driving traffic to game websites or Steam links.

Here are top 5 advertising channels you don't want to miss out on:

1. Reddit, especially the subreddits (LewdGames, NSFW Gaming, AVN Community, AVN Lovers, Gaming - non NSFW) that are adult game-oriented. When utilizing Reddit for pre-launch marketing, it is important to engage with the community by actively participating in discussions, responding to comments, and sharing updates on the game's progress. This helps build a sense of community and generates organic interest in the game. Best part. Totally free.

2. Discord channels. A lot of adult gaming-themed Discord servers allow you to post information, images, or even steam links to your game. Spicygaming Discord is one of them, and it's totally free. When posting on Discord channels, consider creating visually appealing and informative posts that highlight key features of the game.

3. Cross-Promotions. Getting in touch with other developers who are on the same voyage as you is a great opportunity to share the games with each other. You can find developers on Reddit, Twitter, and, of course, Spicygaming Discord. We also have a handy adult game developer "phonebook" where you can find information on them. Doing cross-promotions is usually free.

4. Steam Curators. There are a ton of curators on Steam that might review your game for free if you send a copy to them. We also have a connection available on our Spicygaming curator page. Again, most of the curators usually do this for free. Beware of the scammy accounts though that would ask for money but have no real value. Only pay to curators you know are legit and have a 50k+ followings.

5. Spicygaming.net offers a free space for you to share your game, share news about the game, share videos about the game, and more. It has a ton of visitors and is free to use. You control the content. Start here.

Getting professional guidance: Articles, YouTube reviews, banner and video ads, social shares, etc. are the ultimate approaches to reaching new audiences. 

Yes, this is self-promotion. What did you expect? We do all of that and more for a ridiculously low price, so make sure you reach out and let us help you navigate these treacherous waters.

While these strategies and tips can greatly increase the chances of success when launching an adult game on Steam, it is important to note that there may be additional challenges or factors to consider: For example, the competition in the adult game market is fierce, with thousands of games vying for attention. Additionally, Steam's guidelines and policies regarding adult content may change over time, requiring developers to stay updated and adapt their games accordingly. 

By recognizing these potential challenges, developers can be better prepared and adjust their strategies accordingly.

I hope this article will help you achieve success with your amazing adult game. If you find the article helpful, please share it with others who may benefit from the advice.

I would like to thank Droosk for helping me out with important pointers and materials that I could use in the article. Please visit his Patreon and Steam pages and check out Between Two Worlds, an amazing fantasy adult game.

Ok, here is a bonus one for you. Translations!

While translating games to multiple languages may require additional resources and effort, the potential benefits far outweigh the initial investment. In fact, many game developers have reported that the cost of translation is easily recouped through increased sales and expanded market reach. 

Additionally, there are numerous translation services and tools available that can streamline the process and reduce the overall cost. By utilizing these resources and carefully planning the translation strategy, the potential drawbacks can be minimized.

I recommend you translate your games to:

  • Chinese (especially 2D games)
  • Japanese (especially 2D games)
  • Korean
  • Spanish
  • Italian
  • French
  • German
  • Russian

Now run a long, consider sharing the article and supporting Spicygaming on Patreon.


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