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Spicy Interview: NLT

by Spice

We managed to snatch NLT the author of best selling adult games (Lust Epidemic, Treasure of Nadia* and his new game The Genesis order) for an in-depth interview about his work, his life and his plans.


*Treasure of Nadia is our Game Of The Month (January) so if you support us on Patreon you can snatch a copy of it (Ginger Tier and above)



1Q) Starting things off by taking a trip down the memory lane, you have been doing this for quite some time now, you have started out with comics and smaller games before Lust Epidemic came out, so how was it like starting out at the time? pretty much tell us the genesis of NLT media.


At the time, I was looking into adult comics and seeing a lot of potential to create something in that space. I was working at the time in video game marketing and already had a lot of experience in working in 3d. I thought I could give it a try and make something that was decent in quality.

What I really wanted to do was create video games, but I didn’t have enough confidence to jump into that at first. Comics were an easier way to create, but in the back of my mind, I knew I would jump into gaming eventually.

I had lots of experience as a hobbyist using RPG Maker. I had used it since 2000 and had made a lot of small games with it.

I knew there would be a stigma with RPG Maker, so I thought of ways to use the engine without ending up making something that was grindy, boring, or otherwise uninteresting to a potential audience.

It took several tries, but I think with Lust Epidemic I accomplished this goal and have been refining my style since with the follow-up title Treasure of Nadia building even more on what I’ve learned.

Now, with The Genesis Order, I am hoping to improve this style further creating my most polished experience yet.

2Q) What is the game development process like for you? What are your favorite parts of it? Are there a few things that are annoying or tiresome for you?


Being able to do a wide variety of tasks on the project keeps things interesting. I’ll animate for 4-5 days straight, and then do editing the next day, then writing, then audio work… It’s never the same thing for too long.

I’d say my favorite part is animating, but after 5 days straight of doing it, I do look forward to the next steps.

3Q) Planning. It is one of the most important things in project management and you seem to do very well in it, so how do you plan your project, what is the process like, how to have it in control, and keep doing things according to your plan?

I’ve honed in on a process over time. Today, I typically know exactly what needs to be done and how long it will take for each step in the process. This allows me to plan every day, for months at a time. I can tell you right now exactly what I’ll be doing on any given day 3-4 months from now. It’s key to staying on track.

Once you have a plan that is detailed and you know exactly what you have to do, you can stay focused on the day’s tasks without becoming overwhelmed at the long-term scope.

I’m also a bit of a workaholic. My current record is 10 months straight without taking a day off. But I do enjoy what I do. So it makes it easier.

4Q) How did it feel when you completed Lust Epidemic and had to move on to Treasure of Nadia?

I was very nervous that no one would be on board for a new game. Thinking LE was lightning in a bottle. I felt that I needed to give it everything I had if I was going to convince people that Treasure of Nadia was worth playing.

It was this time that I cut ties with any other project or job I had going and was determined to get Treasure of Nadia off the ground.

It was a nervous time, not knowing if I had made the right choice, but after ToN’s release, its popularity eclipsed Lust Epidemic and I knew I had done the right thing.

5Q) The transition between Lust Epidemic and Treasure of Nadia, how was it? We have seen a massive change in the aesthetic from LE to TON, expansion in cast members, so much improvement in visuals, and even the layout of gameplay as well. How did all that happen?

During the development of Lust Epidemic, I kept thinking of different ways I could have approached the game. But having created a style and a process, I couldn’t really switch in the middle of production.

But after LE was finished, I took all my ideas and started creating new processes and new techniques that were far far better than what I had going in Lust Epidemic.

This allowed me to take the animation to a new level and the gameplay experience to be far more polished.

6Q) When you have started making TON, is it the same feeling as when you have started making LE?

When I started making LE, I could do it while maintaining my job as a video game marketing artist. But with Treasure of Nadia, the only way that was going to get made was if I solely focused on it, 16 hours a day, 7 days a week. The development crunch between June 2019 and October 2019 was insane and pushed me to the limit.

Today NLT is my whole life. I eat, breathe, and sleep the world that I’ve created. I can’t say that I’m ever calm for very long. I try to keep pushing myself and not become content with any part of the development.

7Q)The experience you have gained from making LE, how much did it help in making TON? How much did it make things easier?

ToN could never have happened without LE. The Lust Epidemic was a massive learning experience. I think the game is great, but I knew I could take it to the next level.

Once I started ToN, I knew what could work and what would not work. And now, moving into the development of The Genesis Order, I am taking so much of what works from ToN and improving it. I think each game teaches me something that makes the next one better.

8Q) Your game(s) don’t have separate paths/endings like the other big games out there but has more like a fixed story with gameplay, many people don’t like that sort of thing or even don’t like the RPG maker you use for your games, but people make an exception when it is NLT’s games and play them, how does that make you feel? And why do you think you can beat these odds?


This is an interesting question. I personally like a non-linear experience, but at the same time, if you want to tell a specific story, with specific plot points and twists, you can’t do it with the same level of quality if you’re creating branching paths.

In Lust Epidemic, and even more so in Treasure of Nadia, there are several aspects to the game in addition to the main storyline. These minigames, collectible hunts, booty calls, etc. offer a non-linear aspect to the game where the player can choose what they do and when they do, it quenches the thirst for an open experience while still keeping the main storyline pure, with the specific story intact.

I also use RPG Maker as a tool for creating a unique experience that is not bogged down with the normal stuff usually associated with RPG Maker games. The game is kept simple, yet still challenging with a focus on storytelling in addition to problem-solving.

One thing I do take inspiration from is the Metroidvania style, which is one of my favorite genres. That’s not to say my game is a Metroidvania, but the sense of opening a world by solving problems, collecting items, and having “aha” moments when you realize that something you have now opened up a part of the game that you’ve been dying to see, is a feeling I strive to create in addition to a compelling story that keeps the player wanting more.

9Q) How does your story-telling or the writing process go? Is it pre-planned or do you go with the flow and write dialogues for every update right on time?


First I create a bible of sorts. A document that lays out the series of events, the backstories of characters, timelines, motivations, etc. I basically put into place all the ingredients for drama, suspense, and surprises and then let the story flow naturally, one chapter at a time.

There are many twists in Treasure of Nadia. All of these were planned months, and sometimes years before they end up in the game.

I’m trying to have 3 layers of storytelling at once…

A surface layer that you can experience by casually playing the game, a deeper layer where a savvy player may see connections to earlier parts of the game, or past games and see a larger story taking place, and then a very deep layer, so if someone were to really dive into every aspect of all the games they can draw even more connections that only exist for the most hardcore fan.

For example, in Treasure of Nadia, Sofia tells a story that gives her connections to certain discoveries and crosses her path with historical figures that actually give away the ending. To this day, I’m not sure if anyone has picked up on that. But once you see it, it’s obvious.

10Q) I personally feel that the writing has improved from LE to TON and seemed a bit easier to flow with the characters. Do you feel the same? What do you think has changed?


Of all the aspects of game development, writing was the one area in that I had the least experience. So I had a lot to learn and I think it’s probably noticeable between games. I’d like to think the storytelling aspect remains strong in both games, but I had a lot to learn in terms of writing.

11Q)How do you feel about TON now that it is almost near the finish line? LE is also an amazing game but TON is what puts you up there on the top. Do you think there is anything that you could have done better with TON?


ToN has been a fun ride and I’m shocked looking back at how much I accomplished in 2 years. Treasure of Nadia has over 2500 animations, and I think to myself, “how did I animate that much content?”

But of course, while making ToN I kept a close eye on feedback and paid close attention to aspects of the design that could use improvements. And now I’m excited to take these new ideas into The Genesis Order.

12Q) How has your experience been in this industry? Positives, Negatives, is there anything that you’d wanna see differently?


The adult gaming industry is still small but growing, and I think it’s great that there is an opportunity to be a part of it during this time.

As a full-time adult game developer, it is a bit rough existing on the edge of what platforms accept. There is a bit of an unknown factor as to what could change with various platforms and payment processors that may impact how you have to do business, but with Steam opening up to adult games, it seems to be going in the right direction.

13Q) Do you play VNs? Do you have any favorites??


I’ve played a few, but I personally desire a bit more focus on gameplay that VNs don’t usually offer. I think Lust Epidemic and Treasure of Nadia are somewhat a response to not finding exactly what I was looking for in an adult game.

Oddly enough, the most fun I’ve had playing an adult game was Bonetown. It’s a very old game at this point, and probably doesn’t hold up in many ways, but I loved the attempt at creating an adult game up to the standards of modern gaming (at the time).

I look forward to seeing the games the industry produces in the future. Perhaps in time, I can take my style and develop something using Unity or Unreal Engine that would bring it to a whole new level.


by Spice

BoneTown was an adult game that changed everything

14Q) Which character do you think is your best creation or you are proud of the most? Also, which character is easiest for you to write about and why?


It’s very hard to pick a favorite. I think Madalyn will prove to be a favorite since her story will span 3 games. I also really like Albert and had a lot of fun writing him. Alia is a controversial character as well, but one of the few that makes me laugh at my own jokes. Not sure if one should admit laughing at their own jokes, but I love the way her mind works.

I think Henry was the easiest to write as he had a perspective on the world he found himself in that reflected my own perspective. It’s a world that takes itself seriously, but in the back of Henry’s mind, he knows it’s ridiculous. When the circumstances of your life are as crazy as his, you can’t take it too seriously.

15Q) What is/are your advice(s) for the new developers that are just starting out with their games?


The first thing is you need to be passionate about what you are doing. You have to love it and want to do it every day. If you can do that, then you won't burn out or lose interest.

But that alone is not enough. Everything you do has to be a learning experience and you have to always be trying to improve.

If you can have a passion for what you do, do it every day, and keep improving, then you will succeed. It’s only a matter of time.

I’d also suggest starting small. It’s pretty much cliche advice at this point, but please don’t aim so high that you’re trying to accomplish the impossible. At some point, you’re going to have to be able to lay out a process that you know you can follow. Trying to figure out how to make an MMORPG on the fly is a recipe for failure until you have years or even decades of experience to draw from.

I had 25 years of hobbyist game development experience before I was able to make any money doing it. But it was not about the money, it was about the passion for creating.

16Q) 15-day updates, how do you keep up that consistency? Does it get tedious for you to keep doing the same thing over and over? In general, how does one keep that spark alive coming far into the project?


Every part of the process is so different, you don’t have time to get burned out before you’re moving onto the next thing.

The story I want to tell is also very epic in scope and spans many years. So I’m always looking forward to the next reveal which motivates me to write. Once I’ve written a chapter, then it’s all about finding which parts will be animated and what assets I need to create.

Everything is on a specific schedule and my time is managed very closely. If something is wrong in the process, I’ll know immediately and compensate. This has allowed me to never miss a deadline, although the pressure to keep this record going can be a bit exhausting. One day I may be late, but it hasn’t happened in the last 4-5 years.

17Q) Unfortunately, it is still uncommon for developers to finish an adult game once it’s started, but you did it, and are about to do it again. What are the lessons you have learned going into this new game?


It’s all about having a plan and sticking to it. If you think you have plenty of time to do something, so you forgo planning out your day-to-day tasks, you’re setting yourself up for failure.

You also need to love what you’re doing and want to tell the story you’re telling. I could not imagine giving up on Treasure of Nadia. I had so many huge reveals in the story that I was dying to tell. I’m as excited about the story today as the day I wrote the outline.

The Genesis Order is the same. I have so many big plans that I can’t wait to unveil. If you’re not excited about what you’re doing and what you have planned for the future, you’re going to get burned out.

18Q) Your next game, The Genesis Order, let’s get right into it. Shed some light on it and walk us through it with a brief intro.


The Genesis Order takes place after the events of the Treasure of Nadia. In TGO you will play as a detective uncovering mysteries surrounding the death of a very rich and creepy old man, an old man that has apparently had a run-in with Madalyn Rose, the returning evil nun from Lust Epidemic and Treasure of Nadia.

This opening investigation will just be the tip of the iceberg in a giant conspiracy with an epic scope that will lead to some jaw-dropping reveals.

It’s hard to talk about without spoiling the Treasure of Nadia. But you will meet Tasha, Henry, and Diana, as well as see appearances from past characters, and some flashbacks to Saint Dame University.

I’m particularly excited about the opening scene of the game which jumps straight into the action. It has explosions, sex, and a funny meta-joke to set the mood.

19Q) You have already set the bar high with TON, so what do you think will make TGO stand out, be better than your previous games?


Quality of life improvements, higher quality animation and renders, and more polish.

TGO’s world will be livelier too with more locations to visit, from highrises to farms.

20Q) What Apps or software do you use for creating your games and do you have preferences over one another, if so, why?


Primarily, I use Daz Studio, RPG Maker MV, Adobe Premiere, and Photoshop. Daz and RPGMV are both well-tested and great programs to use if your focus is speed and reliability. Since I produce an ongoing story that updates twice per month, it’s important to have this speed and reliability.

21Q) There are so many environments, and characters that need different textures, posing…etc. Do you make them yourself or can you buy the ones already done, with a bit of your touch on them?


For the most part, I start with a purchased base model and modify it from there. This allows me to create new sets, characters, etc. while still being able to finish all the content in two weeks’ time.

22Q) How did you get so good at making animations? Any suggestions for newer and upcoming artists?


Lots of practice. Over the course of the 2-year development of Treasure of Nadia, I animated over 3 hours of content. Lust Epidemic was smaller, but it also had quite a lot of animation work. I would say the most common problem with animation is that it’s too stiff. I think new animators would benefit from focusing on keeping their animations loose. Also, don’t try to animate too much. Keep things simple at first and build up from there.

You should also be careful when you pose a character. Ask yourself, is this how I would hold this pose? Just because you can animate it, doesn’t mean someone would actually move in that way. Think of yourself in that position and you might discover that an arm, leg, head, etc. is doing something that would be unnecessarily painful when a small adjustment makes it more natural.

23Q)I heard you work solo, is it true? Do you plan on creating a team in the future to assist you?

I do quite a bit of work solo, but I do have help with editing, back-end work, programming, and testing. I’m always on the lookout for help. Currently, I would like to work with another animator. I do all the animation work myself right now.

Adult Game of the Month Jan 22: Treasure of Nadia

by Spice

Treasure of Nadia by NLT is our Porn game of the month for January 2022!

24Q) Do you have issues with your render times? How did you overcome them? Any suggestions or tips on improving(essentially reducing) the render time?


When I first started, I would render in layers to save RAM and to reduce overall render time. This basically entails turning off elements based on how far they are from the camera and then rendering in passes to isolate background and foreground and then putting it all together in editing.

However, now I simply throw a lot of computer power at the task. If you’re able to do this, it does make the quality better. Currently, I have 3 computers that render 24 hours a day. The 3090 is a good card for this because it has enough RAM to handle giant scenes.

25Q) How much do you pay attention to the feedback from the fans and How do you go about balancing on changes according to feedback and sticking to your original plans?


I have an overall outline of the story that I do not change, but the small details of how we get there can be modified based on feedback. For me, that is what Patreon is best for, getting people involved in the creation. I keep close tabs on feedback, as I have for all three games now.

My latest game, The Genesis Order implements a lot of changes that were requested from Treasure of Nadia. For example, the crafting system, and how items are used. These are just a couple of examples, but feedback is constantly shaping the future of the games.

26Q) Do you have the whole TGO game mapped out right now or are you creating the story as time progresses?


I have the overall story mapped out and all the characters' backstories mapped out. But, I am making the journey through this mapped-out story as I go.

27Q) Is there any big story twist or development on the technical side coming up in the near future for TGO, that you are comfortable hinting at? (optional question, we can remove this if you don’t want to answer)


There are quite a few twists coming up, and as will Lust Epidemic and Treasure of Nadia, these are planned and the story is being told in a way that these can be uncovered. There’s nothing worse than a twist that doesn’t make sense, and I’m making sure that everything proceeds exactly as you would expect for the story to make sense.

From the development side, I am working on a new version of the puzzle game, and other mini-games that will be ready in the coming months. For those who are interested in that type of thing, I think the puzzle game should stand on its own as a fun side experience.

28Q) I know story writing, especially that has sex as one of the primary focuses can result in falling into having too many clichéd scenes or recurrent plot devices, so how do you personally avoid that?


With The Genesis Order, this is actually one of the primary elements that I’m focusing on. Being a sex game, it will have a lot of sex, but there will actually be several reasons that motivate these scenes, from romantic relationships, hidden lustful fantasies that develop certain characters, a continuing plot from Treasure of Nadia that will result in some fun scenes, and lastly, magic, which will come in multiple forms and offer some new and creative ways to have some sexy fun. All of these will serve a bigger plot that should keep all the sex scenes interesting.

29Q)What do you think are the elements or ingredients that’ll make a game interesting to play?


For me, I like a mix of story and gameplay. A game with a good story, diverse characters that have unique voices, humor, engaging puzzles, and good pacing are all things I think are important to the games that I make.

30Q)Do you have plans on creating something way bigger in the future? Like, a game with awesome gameplay(you know, like witcher 3 or something, I am talking about mainstream here) but also have a hell of a lot of sex scenes that also comes with a harem ending in the NLT style?


I may do something very different after The Genesis Order, but I am not sure yet what that would be. One thing that I know will always hold true is that the story comes first. I will never make a game that is a gameplay first with sex as a reward. I love a game that focuses on gameplay, but for adult titles, story and good characters are so important. Everything falls flat without that.

31Q)So, do you have anything to say to your fans?


I want to thank all the fans for supporting the games. People have shown that they have an interest in what I’m producing and it’s because of them that I’ve been able to complete 2 games with a 3rd now underway. I’m very lucky to have such great supporters and I’ll never take that for granted.

32Q)Lastly, do you have anyone that you want to thank for helping with your game or even helping you out to keep going by giving the moral support needed?


My Discord moderators, story group members, and beta testers have been a fantastic community of people to be involved with while making and supporting the game. I encourage people to check out the Discord server and the fantastic content that has been created by them.


The Genesis Order

by NLT

The Genesis order is an adventure game filled with mystery and sex.

Lust Epidemic

by NLT

n Lust Epidemic you play as Brad, a student of East State University as he finds himself stranded at rival college Saint Dame University.

Treasure of Nadia

by NLT

Treasure of Nadia is an erotic adventure game featuring 12 gorgeous women that you will meet as you adventure throughout the hidden caves


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Really well done interview.